
We publish several newsletters with information of significance to the importing community. Please click on the links below to read any of our most recent publications. If you would like to have our newsletters emailed to you as they are published, please send us an email from the Contact Us page and we will add you to our mailing list. Otherwise, please feel free to check this page frequently for new developments.

SPC&B Update – December 5, 2014
CPSC Drafts Proposed Phthalates Rule
hina Amends Labeling Requirements for Various Types of Bags

SPC&B Update – November 5, 2014
Federal District Court Allows California "Made in USA" Class Action Suit

SPC&B Update – October 10, 2014
CBP Changes Focused Assessment Program, Possibly Making ISA More Attractive

SPC&B Update – September 23, 2014
Court Decision Reinforces Need for Vigorous Compliance Programs

SPC&B Safety News – September 18, 2014
Phthalates Primer – Did You Know...

SPC&B Update – September 11, 2014
CBP Decides Not to Issue Revised First Sale ICP
Canada Publishes Guidance on Importing Apparel Samples and Invoicing Imported Textiles

SPC&B Update – August 25, 2014
California Prop 65 Actions Continue
CBP Publishes Guidance on Post Importation FTA Claims

SPC&B Update – July 29, 2014
Court Grants Extension for Filing Freight Forwarder Claims in Class Action Suit

SPC&B Update – July 14, 2014
Comments Sought on CBP's Proposed Changes to First Sale Documentation Requirements

SPC&B Update – July 9, 2014
CBP Will No Longer Allow FTA Claims to be Filed Via Protest
Companies Doing Business in California Targeted Under "Made in USA" False Advertising Law

SPC&B Textile Report – June 3, 2014
FTC Approves Final Changes to Wool Rules

SPC&B Textile Report – March 17, 2014
FTC Approves Final Rule on Textile Labeling